As a child I never related to Southwest Virginia, in 1995 I tested as gifted and in 2015 applied to the Purdue Gifted Program. Sphinx Logic the brand is hoping to release a few OEM Windows versions and continue with Windows build instuctions until Windows XP/2003 is out of support in 2029 in Visual Studio 2019. Hopefully continuing with Windows NT 4.0 and 2000 build instuctions. Primarily focuing on virtualization.We've taken leagl action over the destruction of my reputation by WCYB's Anne Carter and California in 2001 at Microsoft legal cases pending.
I've taken legal action to protect my contracts and startups with Macromedia, Microsoft and Ableton was on the Flash and Freehand Teams in 1998 and a 2003 Microsoft System Integrator and 2009 Microsoft Bizspark Alumni and was a paid program.. Learned branding from Ableton in 2018. Learning how to make a offical Microsoft Windows XP/2003 build server and fund my company. We would like Microsoft to finish the Shared Source System Integrator Contract from 2002 in our email and 25 year case load with Microsoft. Study Reveals Microsoft Partner Ecosystem Revenues of $580 Billion in 2010. We live in the birthplace of Country Music Bristol, TN/Va.
in 1994 I made a satalite radio from a Boom box and VCR in my bedroom to pick up Pearl Jam's Private Radio on April 3rd or 4th in 1994 there was Sony TV had Sony Extra Senory Perception and there is a connection to NBC's Brian Williams somehow.
I was born on April 24th 1978. I'm a Sun in Taurus. Went to Sullins Acedemy in 1984. Graduated High School. And started with Macintosh's and UNIX and System V in Keyboarding class in High School. I was validictorian of my 1998 college Computer Science class. I went to private school in elementery. Education is a priviiage up to the 12th grade paid for the tax payers. I went to private school up to the 9th grade. The courses I exeled in in college at UVa were Software Engineering, Data Structures and Algorithms, Sociology, Pchycology, Foundations in Programming in C/C++, Programming in C#, Operations Research, Accounting, And Advanced Placement Geospacial Engineering.
After high school my first business plan was with Astronomy and the Software Suite AIPS++ in 1998 with my IBM Aptivia Desktop. Read the books Ishmeal and the Story of B in 1999 and travled to The University of Virginia for Danial Quins book signing which later inspried the movie 'Instinct' with Anthony Hopkins and obtained Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Source Code. During my time at Macromedia I worked in the Flash 5 JumpStart Kits inpirticular the Mickey Live Turorials. With the help of Disney. I started with a DAC or digital audio converter in the mid 90's., and Digidesign Pro tools 1.0 in 2000 also in 2000 I bought my Quicktime Pro for Windows and Final Cut Pro as the Apple Community release OpenDarwin in 1999 and bought my Shake Source Code. I feqented Richard's realm the Porn Site and watch CNBC, Tech TV and CNN in 1999. Where CNN covered a silicon valley awards show and Steve Jobs coined the phrase 'More to Come'
At WCYB a news broadcaster named Libby introduced me to Anne Hathaway in 1999. After I left Macromedia and DECUS I invested in Microsoft and Adobe in 2003 and subscribed to the MSDN News Newspaper in 1999 and Library and read about Windows DNA in 1999. Now the .NET Framework My first Microsoft projects were Detours, the IPv6 Network Stack, the SSILP Program and the Shared Source Common Langauge Infustructure on Windows 2000/XP/2003. I was given the Windows 2000 DDK, ASP.NET Forums Source Code in 2006 I joined Microsoft's Code Plex and made commits to Microsoft Spec# and Singularity RDK. And recieved a Microsoft SQL Server sales award in 2007.
In 2009 I was accepted into Microsoft Bizspark after a Microsoft SQL Server SISS Human Genome technical case. I obtained Windows Research Kernel, Cirriculium, and ProjectOZ from the UVa System Administrator. Microsoft finally paid with a 2015 Visual Studio Indtrsty Partner contract. Worked on official Windows 8 Storyboards in Powerpoint and Rainmeter. I'm also Windows 7 Internals Certified. Made Several Windows 7 Embedded Bootable USB Images with the Image Builder Wizard using Microsoft Windows 7 Embedded Standard. With complete validation. I made a computer prototype in Autodesk inventor and in drawings took it to Frog Design and is my patent on the HP OMEN X is patent pending.I was also particiatining in MySpace with a few friends including Anne Hathaway and filed a a tax return in turbo tax for $1-10 Million in intangables into cash ancepted by government. Whoever messed up our relationship I want fired.
In 2017, I worked with Microsoft on the offical .NET Framework Reference Source wesite.Sphinx Logic Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise OEM Version will be avialible for download on Github in December 2025 for free for now. Here is the development of Windows XP For Microsoft Hyper-V or Oracle Virtual Box. We are well published on the defuct Code Project community under 'Jonathan Chapman Moore' since 2003. I grew up with the HAL 9000 Computer and DECNET
We are going to salvage to try and find Jazz Computers and computers like the PDP-11, Altair, HP Integrity Blade server for OpenVMS and Macintosh G4's and finding creative was to use them. My family has been using the Gartner and Forester Research Operations Research, Telemtry Systems since the early 80's. I was born in 1978 as a tested INTJ at Johnstson Memorial Hosptial. Octopus' are INTJ's and we have data dating back to James Bond 007 'Octopussy'. My family supports Princeton Press, Oxford Press, Addison Wesley, Macmillian and Person.
We have screen credits on the movies 'Revolution OS' (2001), 'Artifical Intelligence' (2001), 'Heredity' (2018) and the movie '2067' (2020) with Grumpy Salior Productions, maybe the movie 'Infinite' (2021) and in the upcoming movie 'September the 5th' also signed a NDA with the Actress Anne Hathaway in 2025. Where I used Gerontology and Astology to decide on our buisness relationship. We are working with the Terminator Video Game francise to finish coursework at the University of Virginia.
Our nation needs population law and more time to understand In 1973, an MIT computer predicted when civilization will end. and MIT 1973 World One senerios, 50 Years Later, We're Still Living in the Xerox Alto's World the cost of making goods and services needs to be low to stop another recession like the vinyl trend did, it is price vs value. If the comsumer does not pay the price there is no value. We are working on a trust with a liquidity event.
INTJ-T tested at the University of California, University of Virginia Computer Science Alumni. With 3.5 GPA Scholar Award. I was UVa's ACM Vice President in 2008-2010. I'm also Windows 7/2008 Internals Certified. Former Macromedia User Group trainer on Non Employee Executive from 1999. Windows Server 2003 was released on my birthday. Microsoft hired Icon Factory for XP/2003 Icon Design. I made and attempt at a PhD Thesis in 2004 with Standford's 'Webbase' The Google Project. I took Computer Science Courses at UVa-Wise including UNIX.
I tested as a INTJ Mastermind in 2016 backed by the Univeristy of California, Fulerton proctored by Highands Community Services Elizabeth Lambert in Abingdon, Va. I was never told I was the actress Anne Hathaway was my cousin until 2021.
I had a 30 incedent case load in 2003 at Microsoft paid developer support and built Windows XP/2003 with XP Embedded Jonathan Gloves and Keith Moore were featured in the 4th edtion of Windows Internals It might have been me one can speculate I was gifted and under age. To be featured. My name is Jonathan Moore.
We are studying philosophy and the philosophical understanding of schizophinia. Including Zeno's paradox's, such as the stadium paradox and why professional sports are bad for society according federalism. I've voted Demoacrat in my 20's Federislist in my 30's and my last vote was a write in for Zackery Taylor the Whig Party.
We have lawsuits at Microsoft Legal agaight McClure Racing over SWVAMI for a Normal MRI, The trangender community over autism and Competition Law, the DSM V for the 1973 Who album Quadrophia. Facebook and the Chan Iniatitive for Social Exculsion and stolen internet research.
There are a few Acts of congress I support and the Supreme Court I dont support Virginia v. Loving. I do support the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), The UK Magna Carta and the plagerized United States Consistution, Bill of Rights.
In Microsoft's pursuit of the infinite mathematical paradox of Moore's Law they are using chemistry In pursuit of Moore's Law: polymer chemistry in action.
'Schizophrenia' and heredity: Why the emperor (still) has no genes.
in 2021 I was hospilized for the first time as a Roayl Society of the arts fellow and they published the journal artical the 'Intervining State' I was on placed perscription mood altering drugs for market exposure in 2002. My Contract with Microsoft was over in 2012 and have yet to settle a deal, my company has startup tenure as a Microsoft Bizspark Alumni.
According to Competition Law in the Oxford Book 'Competition Law by Richard Whish and David Bailey' the people cannot compete with companies until they either have a corporate market tender AKA merger regulation offer or own 15% or more of a company I own a Microsoft tender offer.
In 2017 I went #1 in Ireland on Billboard and revberbnation for my Ambient music in my 30's that used to be on Bandcamp the music will be out again just in CD format we go no support from our comunnity. My producer was Grammy award winner Lufdrum.
Silicon Chips Take Man to the Moon
Until I discovered I was also a Hathaway and McCulley in my Family Tree by DNA.
There has been a lot of talk on the internet about INTJ's I posted my test on the internet and it went viral. I sill haven't seen anyone else's test that tested as a INTJ but mine.
Did HAL Commit Murder?
Microsoft Life - Treehouse Meeting Space
Future Impossible - A Nokia Bell Labs Series
I'm a 46 year old Royal Society of the Arts Fellow, I was born on Aprol 24, 1978. I'm a Sun in Taurus. I'm Jonathan David Moore FRSA I'm a Moore, Chapman, Hathaway(Garthwaite), Turner, Little, Vaughn, McCulley, Turlington, Bright, Spencer, Roberts, Ryder, and Lyon and Irish Ashkenazi Levite Jewish. The Moore's are related to Bram Stoker. and Irish Ashkenazi Jewish. Microsoft System Integrator with valid contract from 2002-present.
I played little league on the Holston Elemetry school Pirates and Astros or Holston Elementry school all star team went to the Tennessee State Finals. Played at Avoca Section V Baseball a divison of the Toronto Blue Jays.
In 1992 I played saxaphone in Band and tooks AP English, AP Biology and 3 years of Latin. Used the High School library conputers on Windows 3.1. Went to Lollapalooza in 1996 unchaperoned and I drove. Went to Tool, U2, Nine Inch Nails and Pearl Jam concerts and got backstage passes. In 1998. I drove to Tower Records in South Carolinia for a missed Ten Club Single.
After reading Dainiel Quinn in 1997, after buying Pearl Jam's Yield in 1998 and Roger Penrose new minds will be more stable as the human being is herterogeous however tribaism or group living will always fail and end in bloodbaths. from the Quinn's Book 'Beyond Civilization'.
Bought a IBM Aptivia in 1996 and watched Ziff Davis Television and started a Macromedia User Group After seeing Macromedia On ZDNet TV. I orderd my ECMA Standards and OpenBSD and FreeBSD in 2000 and 2001.
I began my professional career investing in Macromedia at Moors and Cabot in Greenville, NC on the Flash and Freehand in 1998 teams in Visual C++ 6.0 in a User Group both Macromedia and DECUS and made ID Software Mods of Quake in my off time under ID Software Software NDA. Also obtained Windows NT 4.0 Source Code from the late Dean of the College of Arts of and Sciences at UVa Ray Nelson. Showing him my 4.0 GPA from the Gates Foundation recognized Tennessee Techology Center of Appiled Technology.
In 2006 I enrolled in VHCC and obtained a VHCC Scholar award in 2007 enrolled in UVa-Wise in 2007. Took Computer Science coursework finished my senior capstone for Northrup Grumman. Which was a Missle Container Project. I also took account coureswork where I learned about Zero Account Budgeting.
My mother was on the board of the YWCA before she passed which gave my family upper class cultral capital. She bought me a humidifier when I was young. My 2004 Nissian was the first car to roll off the lot with the world's First Standard Operating System called Erika.
I was born in 1978. I grew up with Alpha, MIPS, VAX and x86 computer architecture. My first computer was a Tandy TRS-80 with Microsoft XENIX in 1984. AT&T System V at Sullins Academy in 1983. I later bought Apple Macintosh Pro's, Hewlett Packard and Dell PC's and servers running OpenVMS, Apple's System, Mac OS X and Windows. I've bought 4 MSDN enterprise subscriptions and have three Microsoft Bizspark grants.
I've worked for ID Software for Quake 1, 2 and 3 Arena. I was born with as lisp. I look forward to Windows Embedded in 2029. To bring back modular round trip engineering of Windows. Because I think Linux is and hacker operating system. Microsoft has a nice UNIX corporate ideology. I'm looking forward to when Microsoft can be called a Computer Science company not IT.
I've done work with BSD in 2001 on the Common Desktop Environment for x86. I would like to teach the top down software design approach of Bell Labs Plan 9 to students. I have submitted my Bell Labs academic scholar application to Nokia Bell Labs awaiting approval in 2026.
My Microsoft Bizspark startup builds, FreeBSD, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 from a shared source 2007 System integrator contract in my email.
I have $14.2 million in value in my base account I just need to link the deposit account to the base account to the bank. The value is in perpetual software licencing and books.
Our licensed work is in the Computer History Museum for Macromedia. I licensed a Macromedia Patent Portfolio. I helped ship Macromedia Studio 8 and Windows Server 2003 and the Windows 11 Dev Drive. I also worked on official Windows 8/8.1 PowerPoint Storyboards. I also have a Abelton startup with Planet CCARMA from Stanford University. I'm also A Windows Compact Embedded Shared Source Initiative Licensee 2000-2023. My first girlfriend was Angie Howard. I'm a SEP friend.
I live in Historic Abingdon, Va
Scored a 24 on the ACT. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder because I read Noam Chomsky as a teenager and because of COCOMO II and computer architecture. My father is retired credit manager from Builders First Source. My family lives in NY, California and Virginia.
This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized.
This is superscript text and this is subscript text.
This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }
. Finally, this is a link.
Heading Level 2
Heading Level 3
Heading Level 4
Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6
Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.
i = 0;
while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
print 'Iteration ' + i;
print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';
- Dolor pulvinar etiam.
- Sagittis adipiscing.
- Felis enim feugiat.
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- Etiam vel felis viverra.
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- Etiam vel felis lorem.
- Felis enim et feugiat.
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Description |
Price |
Item One |
Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. |
29.99 |
Item Two |
Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. |
19.99 |
Item Three |
Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. |
29.99 |
Item Four |
Vitae integer tempus condimentum. |
19.99 |
Item Five |
Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. |
29.99 |
100.00 |
Name |
Description |
Price |
Item One |
Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. |
29.99 |
Item Two |
Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. |
19.99 |
Item Three |
Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. |
29.99 |
Item Four |
Vitae integer tempus condimentum. |
19.99 |
Item Five |
Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. |
29.99 |
100.00 |